Wednesday 29th May – LIZARD SW61/SW71
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May 29, 2019 @ 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 29th May – LIZARD SW61/SW71 – A walk from Lizard Village SW7012 to below Lizard Lighthouse SW7011, and around the west coast SW6911 via Caerthillian Cove SW6912. Not a square-bashing day but a walk to take in most of the Lizard’s rarest British plants including Trifolium bocconei, T. strictum, T. incarnatum subsp. molinerii, Asparagus prostratus, Herniaria ciliolata, Juncus capitatus and Isoetes histrix. A long list of uncommon species such as Orobanche alba, Allium schoenoprasum and Genista pilosa should also be seen. Meet on Lizard Green, SW703125.
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